Liz Derstine
Running Résumé
Appalachian Trail | Photo by Nathan Nieri
Fastest Known Times:
Appalachian Trail - Women's Supported, Northbound (2020)
2,193 miles / 515,000ft elevation gain
51 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes
Kungsleden - Women’s Self-Supported (2024)
271 miles / 39,000ft elevation gain
6 days, 7 hours, 50 minutes
Long Trail - Women's Self-Supported (2022)
272 miles / 66,000ft elevation gain
6 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes
Swiss Via Alpina - Women’s Self-Supported (2023)
242 miles / 77,000ft elevation gain
6 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes
Pinhoti Trail - Women's Self-Supported (2022)
348.6 miles / 50,000ft elevation gain
7 days, 18 hrs, 22 minutes
SCAR (Smokies Challenge Adventure Run) - Women's Supported (2021)*
72 miles / 18,660ft elevation gain
Forest Park Nasties | Tour de Nasty - Overall Self-Supported (2020)
67.5 miles / 13,500ft elevation gain
Wildwood Trail | Out and Back - Women's Unsupported (2020)*
60.4 miles / 6,600ft elevation gain
Kings Mt. - Elk Mt. Loop - Women's Unsupported (2020)*
10.8 miles / 3,700ft elevation gain
2023 Fastest Known Time of the Year Nominee (Swiss Via Alpina, self-supported)
2022 #5 Women’s Fastest Known Time of the Year (Long Trail, self-supported)
2021 Fastest Known Time of the Year Nominee (Smokies Challenge Adventure Run)
3x Fastest Known Time of the Week (Appalachian Trail 2020, SCAR 2021, Pinhoti Trail 2022)
*Record at the time; has since been broken!
Personal Records / Achievements
2024 Okushinano 100K, Nagano, Japan - 15:15:40, 12th place
2023 Spring for the Trails Half Marathon - 1:42:37, 1st place
2023 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug 50K - 4:28:32 (PR), 2nd place
2023 Black Canyon 100K - 12:59:49 (PR)
2022 Across the Years Last Person Standing - Last woman standing / 4th overall / 104 laps / 108.96 miles
2022 JFK 50 Mile - 7:36:54, 9th place
2022 Hagg Mud 50K - 4:34:11, 1st place
2021 Promise Land 50K - 5:51:56, 6th place
2021 Hellgate 100K - 13:57:49, 4th place
2019 Hellgate 100K - 14:18:47, 4th place, ultramarathon debut
2020 Houston Marathon - 2:51:34 (PR)
2019 Holiday Half Marathon - 1:22:43 (PR)
2018 - Tenacious 10K - 36:44 (PR)
2018 - Carlsbad 5000 - 18:01 (PR)
13x Boston Marathon Qualifier
2x Chicago Marathon American Development Program participant
Long Trail | Photo by Ted Erkkila